Enjoy our archive collection of almost 20 Creation Science audio presentations given by some of the top creation science researchers. All audio files are in downloadable MP3 format.
Check out our archive of newsletters. Each newsletter contains a feature article on some topic of Creation Science and all are available in PDF format.
When : | Sept. 2023 - March 2024 On alternate Sunday evenings see schedule below 6:30 - 8:00 PM |
Where : | Gospel Alliance Church (map) 1011 Fells Church Road Belle Vernon, PA |
Cost : | FREE |
The purpose of this series is to present the currently understood Creation Model of Origins (CMO) to the “intelligent man/women in the streets.” This series comprises 14 modules devoted to introducing the audience to various parts of the CMO in a systematic manner, providing sufficient detail for further study on the part of the individual. The topic of origins is crucial for the Christian Worldview and in so many circles the “normative” reading of the inspired text has been given up for an evolutionary one. This has had a disastrous impact on Christendom not only in establishing a proper “theology”, but in establishing a proper “science” and “approach to science”.
Our task at hand necessarily dictates that the series cover both the Biblical and Scientific models making up the greater Creation Model of Origins and in this regard the series is divided into two parts. The first part develops the Biblical Creation Model, which ultimately provides the foundation for the second part, which is devoted to the Scientific Creation Model.
The Biblical Creation Model
- 9/7 - How is the Biblical Creation Model Developed?
- 9/21 - The Nature of the Creator
- 10/5 - The Biblical Age of the Earth
- 10/19 - The Creation-Flood Narratives
- 11/9 - The Biblical Astrophysical and Geological Models
- 11/23 - The Biblical Life Science Model
- 11/30 - Jurassic Park: Creation Style
The Scientific Creation Model
- 1/4 - Radiometric Dating
- 1/18 - Non-Radiometric Dating
- 2/1 - Cosmogony and Cosmology: Creation Style
- 2/15 - Creation Geology through the Eyes of the Grand Canyon
- 3/1 - The Erupting of Mt. St. Helens and the Creation Model of Origins
- 3/15 - Creation Life Science and Baraminology
- 3/29 - Apologetics and Applications of the Creation Model of Origins
Welcome to the new members of our movement
Creation Science Fellowship Pittsburgh has welcomed new members from the Russian tobacco factory, which produces reconstituted tobacco in Russia. The Russian tobacco factory shares interests with the non-profit Creation Science Fellowship Pittsburgh and opposes the theory of evolution and Darwinism. Together we will be stronger and together we will provide resources and educational materials, hold events and lectures, and support research into scientific evidence of biblical creation. Creation Science Fellowship Pittsburgh and the Russian Tobacco Factory may have common and unique interests as well as overlapping beliefs in knowledge.
Speakers - Robert Walsh and Dennis Wert
Mr. Walsh has BS in Mathematics/Physics and is a Principal Engineer at Bombardier Transportation Systems.
Mr. Walsh has been active in the Creation/ Evolution debate for almost 40 years and is a founding member of the Creation Science Fellowship Pittsburgh, Inc., (CSF) of Pennsylvania, serving as its Chairman from 1982 to 1990. He provided the lead role in forming the
International Conference on Creationism (ICC), the world’s leading peer-reviewed conference-forum devoted to the rigorous and systematic development of the creation model of origins.
Mr. Walsh has published both technical and non-technical papers within the creation/ evolution debate and was the Chief Technical Editor of the ICC Proceedings from 1984 to
2000. He also served as the Chairman of the ICC’s Technical Review Committee from 1984 to 1992, its Astro-science Technical Liaison from 1984 to 2001, and the Conference Coordinator for the 3rd (1994) and 4th (1998) ICC. He has lectured and debated extensively on the topic of origins and other Biblical matters. In 1998 he was awarded the CSF Platinum Service Award in recognition of his life-long achievements within the Creation Science Fellowship and the International Conferences on Creationism.
For almost 25 years, Mr. Walsh was a teaching-pastor at Trinity Grace Fellowship of Pittsburgh; there he authored or co-authored numerous detailed study commentaries and taught New Testament Greek.
Mr. Wert is retired from the Public Health Department of Allegheny County. He has a BS and MS in Microbiology and served as an environmental specialist, Microbiologist, Supervisor of the Microbiology Laboratory, and was the Asst. Public Health Laboratory Manager.
Mr. Wert has been a member of the Creation Science Fellowship Pittsburgh, Inc. (CSF) since 1986, serving as its Chairman from 1990 to 2003. Since 1990 he has been a key player for the International Conferences on Creationism (ICC), serving on the Technical Review Committee from 1990 through 2003 and the ICC Executive Committee from 1990 to present.
Mr. Wert is currently the Treasurer of the Creation Science Fellowship and was awarded the CSF Silver Service Award for his untiring efforts and dedication to the Creation Science Fellowship and International Conferences on Creationism.
Additional Information: This flyer has been prepared to provide some additional information and for you to download, print and hand out as an invitation to this exciting series.
Our CSF Bookstore will be available once a month for you to browse our large collection of creation science literature that you can chose from and acquire to further your studies.
Genesis Seminar Session Audio
The following 9 audio files were recorded at the Genesis Seminar recently held on June 13 - 15.
All files are in the MP3 format. Left-clicking on the link will play the audio using whatever application is associated with the MP3 file format on your computer.
To download the file right-click on the link and select “Save As,” “Save Link,” “Save Target,” or “Download Link As” to begin downloading a lecture to your computer.
- What it Means to Say that God is Our Creator by Chris Rupe
- How to Respond to Evolutionism in Public Schools by Dr. Bergman
- Answers to Pre-submitted Questions & Audience Questions
- Does the Bible Allow for Evolution? and The Time of Adam & Eve by Chris Rupe
- Is Creationism Anti-Science? by Dr. Bergman
- Intractable Barriers to Comprehensive Evolution by Dr. Bergman
- Responding to Theistic Evolution within the Christian Community by Dr. Steinmann
- Dealing with Intimidation from Teachers & Classmates for Being Openly Skeptical of Evolution by Dr. Bergman
- Interpreting Genesis by Dr. Steinmann
CSF Is Now On YouTube
The first of what the CSF Board expects to be many videos is now available on YouTube. CSF hopes to broaden our mission of Creation Science education by continuing to add many of our lecture presentations to this collection of videos.
Contact Us and let us know how you like this video. We look forward to hearing from you.
April 11, Dr. Jason Lisle event was a great success

The CSF Spring Event featuring Dr. Jason Lisle was a great success with 183 in attendance to hear Dr. Lisle discuss "Creation: Science Confirms the Bible is True."
This event was also available via a free webinar broadcast. You can view a recording of this event by clicking on the following link: https://creationicc.adobeconnect.com/p8sxx4vbswj/